MIA big 2

MIA big 2

snow ball

To hear Mia sign you need to stop the music from the other 2 slide shows; the lemon tree and the Ball. to do so click on the speaker on the bottom left corner of the slide show... :-)

on the beach

lemon tree

im back!!

im back!!


Mar 18, 2007

ancora spiaggia

1 comment:

tutta sua madre..

tutta sua madre..

la vie en Australie

Here we are in the largest most isolated place on earth. Only 2 months and you can already feel it...The sky is blue and the sun is warm and it makes you forget everything else. Below you will get a glimpse of our Australian life. Click to play videos and slide shows...enjoy your Australian visit

Whinny the phoo & Mia phoo !!!

Uno per tutti . . .

Uno per tutti . . .
e'' iniziato il campionato!! forza CASTELDEBOLE

More Graphics At SeekCodes.com


En ce dimanche de Paques, la pluie est au rendez-vous mais heureusement le ciel s'eclaircit rapidement et nous n'avons pas a changer nos plans: direction Kings Park pour une rencontre "internationale" organisee par Louise. Nous voici donc avec le Quebec, la France, l'Italie, l'Allemagne, l'Afrique du Sud... j'espere que je n'oublie personne! Nous passons un magnifique moment cadence de jeux, de rigolades, de discussions et... de chocolats!